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Wiltshire Bus Review

Have your say on Wiltshire’s Public Transport Policy contributions

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10 months ago


1. In what role are you responding to this consultation?

Resident of Wiltshire (please go to Q3)

3. Approximately, how often do you use each of the following to get about in Wiltshire?

DailySeveral times a weekAbout once a weekAbout once or twice a monthEvery few monthsAbout once a year or lessNever
Demand Responsive Transport (DRT)
Car/van (passenger)
Car/van (driver)
Community Transport

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4. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the current bus services provided in Wiltshire? (1 being very dissatisfied, 5 being very satisfied)


5. If you did not have access to any bus services in Wiltshire, how easy would it be for you to make journeys to:

Very easyFairly easyNot very easyNot at all easy
Work or Training
School/College, or other place of education
Food Shopping
GP/Pharmacy Appointment
Hospital Appointment
Leisure Activities
Other (please specify below)

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6. How often do you use bus services in Wiltshire for the following types of journey?

DailySeveral times a weekAbout once a weekAbout once or twice a monthEvery few monthsAbout once a year or lessNever
Work or Training
School/College, or other place of education
Food Shopping
GP Appointment
Hospital Appointment
Leisure Activities
Other (please specify below)

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7. To what extent do you support the following intended policies?

Fully supportTend to supportNeutralTend to opposeStrongly oppose
The Council will encourage public transport operators to meet the access needs of the county on a commercial basis
The Council will encourage residents and visitors to use public transport whenever possible
The Council will work to ensure that long-term, cost-effective access by public transport is planned in to new developments and financial contributions are secured from developers to support that provision
The Council will consider the role of demand responsive transport services*, financially supporting and promoting them as appropriate to complement mainline public transport services
The Council will work with bus operators to ensure that public transport information is up to date, clear and accurate, and available via a wide range of printed and digital sources
The Council will explore options for implementing high frequency, high quality bus routes in the county
The Council will work to improve interchange between transport modes (such as rail and bus) to increase travel by public transport
The Council will encourage the use of low and zero emission vehicles on commercial public transport services (and move towards low emission vehicles on supported services) to improve air quality across the county
The Council will promote concessionary travel to encourage elderly and disabled customers to access local facilities and services by bus
Where residents are not able to access public transport services the Council will champion independent living among residents by encouraging use of community transport
The Council will prioritise support for public transport which provides access to employment and training, education, essential shopping and healthcare
The Council will ensure that the public transport it supports offers value for money for the county’s taxpayers
The Council will ensure that cross-boundary services form an important element of the county’s public transport network

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8. Overall, to what extent do you agree or disagree that the Public Transport Policy will provide an efficient bus network that meets user needs for priority journeys?

Tend to Disagree

8a. Why do you say this?

At the moment bus services in the Salisbury are are not good. buses failing to turn up or being taken out of service at a moments notice. can it been guaranteed that this will improve in future?

10. Up to what age should young people be entitled to cheaper travel?

18 years old

11. What fare level should apply to young people?

Free travel

13. Do you have any other comments, including on any other elements of the draft Public Transport Policy?

Recently PR7 bus stop for the bus I use most frequently PR7 has been moved from Blue Boar Row, Salisbury to adjacent to Tesco Castle Street, Salisbury. There is no where there for people to sit and wait for buses and those of use with mobility issues are forced to perch on the windowsill of the nearby restaurant. It ridiculous to move the bus stop and a complete waste of a bus shelter with seating. Apart from the fact buses stopping on the corner of Castle St causes congestion in view of the fact all buses most of the city have to use castle street whilst improvements are made in Fisherton Street.

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10 months ago


1. In what role are you responding to this consultation?

Resident of Wiltshire (please go to Q3)

3. Approximately, how often do you use each of the following to get about in Wiltshire?

DailySeveral times a weekAbout once a weekAbout once or twice a monthEvery few monthsAbout once a year or lessNever
Demand Responsive Transport (DRT)
Car/van (passenger)
Car/van (driver)
Community Transport

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4. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the current bus services provided in Wiltshire? (1 being very dissatisfied, 5 being very satisfied)


5. If you did not have access to any bus services in Wiltshire, how easy would it be for you to make journeys to:

Very easyFairly easyNot very easyNot at all easy
Work or Training
School/College, or other place of education
Food Shopping
GP/Pharmacy Appointment
Hospital Appointment
Leisure Activities
Other (please specify below)

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6. How often do you use bus services in Wiltshire for the following types of journey?

DailySeveral times a weekAbout once a weekAbout once or twice a monthEvery few monthsAbout once a year or lessNever
Work or Training
School/College, or other place of education
Food Shopping
GP Appointment
Hospital Appointment
Leisure Activities
Other (please specify below)

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7. To what extent do you support the following intended policies?

Fully supportTend to supportNeutralTend to opposeStrongly oppose
The Council will encourage public transport operators to meet the access needs of the county on a commercial basis
The Council will encourage residents and visitors to use public transport whenever possible
The Council will work to ensure that long-term, cost-effective access by public transport is planned in to new developments and financial contributions are secured from developers to support that provision
The Council will consider the role of demand responsive transport services*, financially supporting and promoting them as appropriate to complement mainline public transport services
The Council will work with bus operators to ensure that public transport information is up to date, clear and accurate, and available via a wide range of printed and digital sources
The Council will explore options for implementing high frequency, high quality bus routes in the county
The Council will work to improve interchange between transport modes (such as rail and bus) to increase travel by public transport
The Council will encourage the use of low and zero emission vehicles on commercial public transport services (and move towards low emission vehicles on supported services) to improve air quality across the county
The Council will promote concessionary travel to encourage elderly and disabled customers to access local facilities and services by bus
Where residents are not able to access public transport services the Council will champion independent living among residents by encouraging use of community transport
The Council will prioritise support for public transport which provides access to employment and training, education, essential shopping and healthcare
The Council will ensure that the public transport it supports offers value for money for the county’s taxpayers
The Council will ensure that cross-boundary services form an important element of the county’s public transport network

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8. Overall, to what extent do you agree or disagree that the Public Transport Policy will provide an efficient bus network that meets user needs for priority journeys?

Tend to Disagree

8a. Why do you say this?

Just words on paper . No guarantee they will be put into practice.

10. Up to what age should young people be entitled to cheaper travel?

18 years old

11. What fare level should apply to young people?

Free travel

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10 months ago


1. In what role are you responding to this consultation?

Resident of Wiltshire (please go to Q3)

3. Approximately, how often do you use each of the following to get about in Wiltshire?

DailySeveral times a weekAbout once a weekAbout once or twice a monthEvery few monthsAbout once a year or lessNever
Demand Responsive Transport (DRT)
Car/van (passenger)
Car/van (driver)
Community Transport

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4. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the current bus services provided in Wiltshire? (1 being very dissatisfied, 5 being very satisfied)


5. If you did not have access to any bus services in Wiltshire, how easy would it be for you to make journeys to:

Very easyFairly easyNot very easyNot at all easy
Work or Training
School/College, or other place of education
Food Shopping
GP/Pharmacy Appointment
Hospital Appointment
Leisure Activities
Other (please specify below)

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5a. If you answered "Other", please specify here:

Visiting friends, relatives

6. How often do you use bus services in Wiltshire for the following types of journey?

DailySeveral times a weekAbout once a weekAbout once or twice a monthEvery few monthsAbout once a year or lessNever
Work or Training
School/College, or other place of education
Food Shopping
GP Appointment
Hospital Appointment
Leisure Activities
Other (please specify below)

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6a. If you answered "Other", please specify here:

Dental appointments

7. To what extent do you support the following intended policies?

Fully supportTend to supportNeutralTend to opposeStrongly oppose
The Council will encourage public transport operators to meet the access needs of the county on a commercial basis
The Council will encourage residents and visitors to use public transport whenever possible
The Council will work to ensure that long-term, cost-effective access by public transport is planned in to new developments and financial contributions are secured from developers to support that provision
The Council will consider the role of demand responsive transport services*, financially supporting and promoting them as appropriate to complement mainline public transport services
The Council will work with bus operators to ensure that public transport information is up to date, clear and accurate, and available via a wide range of printed and digital sources
The Council will explore options for implementing high frequency, high quality bus routes in the county
The Council will work to improve interchange between transport modes (such as rail and bus) to increase travel by public transport
The Council will encourage the use of low and zero emission vehicles on commercial public transport services (and move towards low emission vehicles on supported services) to improve air quality across the county
The Council will promote concessionary travel to encourage elderly and disabled customers to access local facilities and services by bus
Where residents are not able to access public transport services the Council will champion independent living among residents by encouraging use of community transport
The Council will prioritise support for public transport which provides access to employment and training, education, essential shopping and healthcare
The Council will ensure that the public transport it supports offers value for money for the county’s taxpayers
The Council will ensure that cross-boundary services form an important element of the county’s public transport network

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8. Overall, to what extent do you agree or disagree that the Public Transport Policy will provide an efficient bus network that meets user needs for priority journeys?

Tend to Disagree

8a. Why do you say this?

Every bus review leaves my road with less access, it is now one bus every 2 hours starting at 9.35am finishing at 17.12pm apart from an early work and school bus. For various reasons the bus can be late needing medical appointments etc. To be made with this in mind at best I only 1 hour for pharmacy and shopping - often pharmacy takes most of that hour. Doctors surgery only 45 mins. allowing for time to walk to and from bus this leaves me often with a 2 hour wait for a bus or a long walk home, the last part without pavement and is very busy as now classed as an A road. Buses that are timed so a passenger can change from one bus to another often do not work as buses can be late for many reasons. unfortunately my experiences of this option were all unseccessful and I gave up as it was a long walk home

9. If there are any policies you do not support at all, please could you explain why?

If access needs on a commercial basis the area I live is unlikely to do well for transport. Other parts of this town have much higher population and have the benefit of many more buses. and have gained the the buses my road has previously lost even though they already had more buses than available in this road. I support low & zero emission vehicles but I am not sure that at the moment they would cope with the many narrow winding roads that make up rural journeys causing breakdowns etc.

10. Up to what age should young people be entitled to cheaper travel?

16 years old

11. What fare level should apply to young people?

Free travel

13. Do you have any other comments, including on any other elements of the draft Public Transport Policy?

High frequency of buses would be great but high quality often means a more direct service between towns, thus a shorter journey. Usually to the detriment to the people living in the more rural parts of towns.

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10 months ago


1. In what role are you responding to this consultation?

Resident of Wiltshire (please go to Q3)

3. Approximately, how often do you use each of the following to get about in Wiltshire?

DailySeveral times a weekAbout once a weekAbout once or twice a monthEvery few monthsAbout once a year or lessNever
Demand Responsive Transport (DRT)
Car/van (passenger)
Car/van (driver)
Community Transport

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4. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the current bus services provided in Wiltshire? (1 being very dissatisfied, 5 being very satisfied)


5. If you did not have access to any bus services in Wiltshire, how easy would it be for you to make journeys to:

Very easyFairly easyNot very easyNot at all easy
Work or Training
School/College, or other place of education
Food Shopping
GP/Pharmacy Appointment
Hospital Appointment
Leisure Activities
Other (please specify below)

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6. How often do you use bus services in Wiltshire for the following types of journey?

DailySeveral times a weekAbout once a weekAbout once or twice a monthEvery few monthsAbout once a year or lessNever
Work or Training
School/College, or other place of education
Food Shopping
GP Appointment
Hospital Appointment
Leisure Activities
Other (please specify below)

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8. Overall, to what extent do you agree or disagree that the Public Transport Policy will provide an efficient bus network that meets user needs for priority journeys?

Strongly Agree

8a. Why do you say this?

Because I am in a lot of pain to get around.

10. Up to what age should young people be entitled to cheaper travel?

16 years old

11. What fare level should apply to young people?

Half adult fare

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10 months ago


1. In what role are you responding to this consultation?

Resident of Wiltshire (please go to Q3)

3. Approximately, how often do you use each of the following to get about in Wiltshire?

DailySeveral times a weekAbout once a weekAbout once or twice a monthEvery few monthsAbout once a year or lessNever
Demand Responsive Transport (DRT)
Car/van (passenger)
Car/van (driver)
Community Transport

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4. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the current bus services provided in Wiltshire? (1 being very dissatisfied, 5 being very satisfied)


5. If you did not have access to any bus services in Wiltshire, how easy would it be for you to make journeys to:

Very easyFairly easyNot very easyNot at all easy
Work or Training
School/College, or other place of education
Food Shopping
GP/Pharmacy Appointment
Hospital Appointment
Leisure Activities
Other (please specify below)

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5a. If you answered "Other", please specify here:

visiting family

6. How often do you use bus services in Wiltshire for the following types of journey?

DailySeveral times a weekAbout once a weekAbout once or twice a monthEvery few monthsAbout once a year or lessNever
Work or Training
School/College, or other place of education
Food Shopping
GP Appointment
Hospital Appointment
Leisure Activities
Other (please specify below)

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6a. If you answered "Other", please specify here:

Visiting Family

7. To what extent do you support the following intended policies?

Fully supportTend to supportNeutralTend to opposeStrongly oppose
The Council will encourage public transport operators to meet the access needs of the county on a commercial basis
The Council will encourage residents and visitors to use public transport whenever possible
The Council will work to ensure that long-term, cost-effective access by public transport is planned in to new developments and financial contributions are secured from developers to support that provision
The Council will consider the role of demand responsive transport services*, financially supporting and promoting them as appropriate to complement mainline public transport services
The Council will work with bus operators to ensure that public transport information is up to date, clear and accurate, and available via a wide range of printed and digital sources
The Council will explore options for implementing high frequency, high quality bus routes in the county
The Council will work to improve interchange between transport modes (such as rail and bus) to increase travel by public transport
The Council will encourage the use of low and zero emission vehicles on commercial public transport services (and move towards low emission vehicles on supported services) to improve air quality across the county
The Council will promote concessionary travel to encourage elderly and disabled customers to access local facilities and services by bus
Where residents are not able to access public transport services the Council will champion independent living among residents by encouraging use of community transport
The Council will prioritise support for public transport which provides access to employment and training, education, essential shopping and healthcare
The Council will ensure that the public transport it supports offers value for money for the county’s taxpayers
The Council will ensure that cross-boundary services form an important element of the county’s public transport network

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8. Overall, to what extent do you agree or disagree that the Public Transport Policy will provide an efficient bus network that meets user needs for priority journeys?

Tend to Agree

10. Up to what age should young people be entitled to cheaper travel?

25 years old

11. What fare level should apply to young people?

Free travel

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