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Wiltshire Bus Review


  • Draft policy compiled





    June 2022

    Consultants, ITP, and Wiltshire Council Passenger Transport officers formulate a new policy based on best practice, latest government guidance and data and evidence from the bus market.
  • Stakeholder consultation

    June 2022





    Draft policy circulated to key stakeholders such as Town and Parish Council’s, bus operators and Passenger Groups to ascertain their views to assist in informing the draft policy ready for public consultation.
  • Public consultation





    November 2023

    6 week consultation with the public via a survey to gather views and comments on the draft policy.
  • Analysis and assessment of public consultation





    December 2023

    Detailed analysis of the feedback received from the consultation to be undertaken to make any changes that might be necessary to the policy before finalising. Assessment of likely impact on services – December to Jan 2024. Assessment undertaken to look at what the impact of the revised policy might be on services i.e. increase frequencies on a Saturday services for instance.
  • Develop service specification





    March 2024

    Officers to work out how or if bus services might need to change to reflect the revised policy.
  • Public engagement on service changes





    April 2024

    Public to be engaged on any bus service changes that might take place in their areas.
  • Procure new contracts (3 phases)





    August 2024

    Officers to put in place new contracts with bus operators to reflect any changes.